3rd June Preview: Gold Trainer Reports

In tonight's video preview of tomorrow's racing, I get all evangelical about one particular component of the Gold setup that you absolutely MUST use. It is golden. It really is. Honestly. Watch the video to see what, and why. And please, please, please take action with it: it will improve your betting literally overnight.

Important Note:

The report jobs run twice daily so anything you configure as per the video will not instantly populate. However, once you've set things up they'll be in place from the next report run onwards. (The reports run at 4.30 am/pm daily, and I'm triggering a few extras at the moment to pick things up a little more in real time).

Here's the video...

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13 replies
  1. parallax
    parallax says:

    Hello Matt, I think I need instruction in setting report angles – none of the settings I selected for Handicap debutants were enacted. The report for tomorrow was blank, yet using the manual method produced three names.
    Criteria: Runs 10, Wins 15%, A/E and IV both at 1.25.

  2. davybuoy
    davybuoy says:

    Is your preference for A/E and IV of 1.25 used for all reports or specific to Trainer H’Cap 1st Run?

    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      I use that pretty much for all reports, Davy, but that’s just because it suits me. It’s important to find the right balance of volume of report output and your punting style. Yours might be more or less than mine. Hope that makes sense.


  3. RonCombo
    RonCombo says:

    Brilliant Matt, so useful. I have been on board for years, but have learnt more this evening.

  4. shell62
    shell62 says:

    I see on your racecard on the latest video you had the red x in the column for removing horses that you are not interested in when doing your form, how can i put that on my racecard or doesn’t it exist now. i no it might be a stupid question but it would help to knock some horses off when i am doing my form.

    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      It’s an option in the Racecard Options section on ‘My Geegeez’ page. Check User Guide for more details, shell62.

      NB There is a bug with this ‘x’ at the moment, but will be fixed tomorrow.

      • shell62
        shell62 says:

        thanks for sorting that out matt the x is now working now thats going to help me.

  5. eddie99
    eddie99 says:

    UNION was flat on his 3rd run, but he’s one who should improve for a step up in trip this season. 81 wouldn’t be a gimme. R. Varian

    NAIZAGAI got a good mention from Ben in his five-to-follow handicappers list and I’d agree with his sentiments. He’ll without any doubt improve for gelding and I look forward to him running. R.Varian

    From a stable tour few weeks ago

  6. Richard
    Richard says:

    Cracking first day of using this ‘Angle’ Matt, thank you and well done. I am going to ally this feature to my other methods and become very rich!

    All the best,


  7. TomWool
    TomWool says:

    Just caught up with this video Matt.
    Talk about an eye-opener, can’t believe how much I’ve been missing out on despite being a member for a year or so! Thanks for demonstrating the power and flexibility of ‘Report Angles’.

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