Entries by Russell Clarke

In-running trading diary, part 2

Ayr and Ripon Monday 7th August By Russell Clarke I traded the first seven races of the day from Ayr and Ripon. Below is the crib-sheet for each race along with a brief description of the trading decisions. Ayr… Good/Soft 2.25 Roman Secret @2.9… Was outpaced on his debut, possibly due to being green, but […]

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Pinball Wizard, Part 5: In-Running Aids and Hacks

Previously on… Pinball Wizard Betting… We looked at how I approach the In-Running Market and my strategy for winning, writes Russell Clarke. You can read that here. And earlier episodes are here: Part 1 here, Part 2 here, and Part 3 here. Along the way I have picked up some hacks that many of you […]

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Pinball Wizard, Part 4: The Practice of Winning

Previously On… Pinball Wizard Betting... We looked at the Theory Of Winning and the utilization of edges. You can read that here. [And part 1 is here, part 2 is here.] Now, we examine the theories being put into practice and how I personally approach the in-running market, writes Russell Clarke. Clearly there are lots […]

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Pinball Wizard, Part 3: The Theory of Winning In-Running

Previously On… Pinball Wizard Betting… We looked at the psychological difference between betting and trading, including a typical journey into in-running betting and whether a one-click screen or a ladder is best for in-running. You can read that here, and Part 1 is here. In this article we get to the ‘good stuff’ with the […]

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Pinball Wizard, Part 2: The Psychology of In-Running Betting

“There has to be a twist” Previously On… Pinball Wizard Betting… I hopefully persuaded you that betting into the in-running market was a relatively level playing field and we are no longer swimming with sharks, writes Russell Clarke. All you need is bet placement software, Geegeez, and Betfair TV. If you haven't yet read Part […]

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Pinball Wizard: An Introduction to In-Running Betting Part 1

In many ways, horse racing doesn’t really lend itself to in-running betting when compared with sports such as football, tennis, cricket, or golf, writes Russell Clarke. All of those aforementioned sports produce results over hours (or even days) compared with the minutes that are involved in the sport of kings. During a football match you […]

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‘Money Without Work’ 8: Logistics

In previous articles we have covered the Efficient Market Hypothesis and the Wisdom of the Crowd, and how these theories help us identify opportunities that have a positive Expected Value (EV+), writes Russell Clarke. Our task as punters is to try and limit our individual bets to those that have an EV+. We can do […]

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‘Money Without Work’ 7: Betting Psychology

It is perhaps the greatest paradox in the investment world that many consistently profitable money managers have a large percentage of losing clients, writes Russell Clarke. I recently saw the records of a very successful US Hedge Fund, that showed over 40% of their lifetime client base had actually lost money while investing with the […]

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‘Money Without Work’ 3: Sharp & Soft Bookmakers

Part 3 of this series looks at different types of bookmaker. Earlier episodes can be viewed here. The terms “Sharps” and “Softs” refer to bookmakers that operate very different business models, writes Russell Clarke. Sharp bookmakers operate a low margin/high turnover model and Soft bookmakers operate a high margin/low turnover model. Examples of Sharp bookmakers […]

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‘Money Without Work’ 2: Wisdom of Crowds

Part 1 of this series can be found here. I have deliberately kept mathematical 'proof' and academic rigour of the theories of Wisdom Of Crowds and the related Efficient Market Hypothesis out of this article, writes Russell Clarke. Those who are interested can easily research further their efficacy online. For what it's worth, I believe both […]

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‘Money Without Work’ – Back to Betting Basics

Success in betting is typically approached with the primary, and sometimes exclusive, goal of selecting winners, writes Russell Clarke. Whilst undoubtedly important, such an approach rather puts the cart before the horse (pardon the pun). Understanding the betting marketplace, and some of the basic maths, is the cornerstone of any viable strategy. This can then […]

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