Geegeez Gold is a complete horse racing form and data package that can make you a far more informed bettor and elevate your bet selection process to Group 1 status.

The main aim of Geegeez Gold is to provide more insight into each race in far less time.

This is done through a huge range of data and tools. No member uses all of these tools or the data on offer – the idea is simply that there is something for everyone allowing every user to see the bigger picture, be more selective and crucially, be more successful.

There are paid and free versions of Geegeez. The free version (requires registration) grants access to a ‘free feature of the day’ allowing free users to experience a different feature of Geegeez Gold each day. There are also several ‘races of the day’ with all racecard features available. This is a great way to try Geegeez Gold for those who want to use some of the features at their leisure.

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Which is the best Horse Racing Form Website: Feature Comparison



Geegeez Gold is more than just a horse racing form tool. To find out how Geegeez Gold can help you win more keep on reading.


1. Get The Full Picture With Pace Maps and Pace Data


Pace is possibly the most underrated factor in horse racing. A change in pace setup in a race can cause a completely different result.

This is important both in terms of the course pace biases and the individual pace setup in each race which can exacerbate or nullify the existing course pace biases.

Going, field size and draw can all have an impact on pace and as such, pace data can be filtered by these factors.

Correctly understanding and predicting is a major step forward in becoming a successful horse racing bettor and this is exactly what Geegeez Gold allows and encourages.

The above is a typical example of the Pace Tab, available on all UK and Irish races.

On this one racecard tab any user can instantly get a feel for potential course biases, across a number of metrics, as well as getting a flavour for how a race is likely to be run based on the early positions the runners have taken up in recent outings.

This alone, even without accounting for form and other factors, can provide profitable angles. When combined with form and other information it is an invaluable tool for punters.

Finding lone speed on pace favouring courses is one of the many angles here and whereas this information would typically take hours to put together each day, it is all available on Geegeez Gold at a click of a button.


Find the most advantageous pace angles in each race within just a few minutes. The easy to consume display means anyone can understand the data instantly.


2. Use The Most Precise Draw Data To Expose Micro Advantages


On all flat racecards there is also a Draw Tab, containing a whole host of invaluable information.

Some draw biases are well known, Chester is an obvious one, but even on the Roodeye the bias strength changes from distance to distance. Knowing exactly where the cut offs are for each draw is a must for any serious bettor.

Then there are many other courses where the draw bias are either far less well known or they defy convention. For example over Thirsk’s mile, run around a bend, higher draws have a far superior record to lower numbers. Lazy TV pundits will trot out the usual “you want to be drawn low” talk but data followers will be in a far better position to profit.

Low v Middle v High draw data is a given and a good starting point when looking at potential draw biases.

However it is often the case, that even when lower draws are favoured over higher draws, the lowest possible draws are not always the best possible draws.

By analysing the individual draw data over any course and distance we can find the exact sweet spots in the draw, helping to create a perfect recipe for marking runners up or down and helping narrow down fields.

Perhaps the biggest edge of all is gained using the Draw and Pace Combination Heat Map. This helps highlight the best run styles for each draw and the best draw for each run style and can display up to five different metrics (Win %, Place %, IV, A/E and PRB).

You’ll be amazed how often a poor draw can be overcome with certain run styles and also how the early position of some runners can completely jeopardise what should have been a so called ‘favourable’ draw.


Dig deeper than you ever imagined and combine draw and pace data to magnify those with the best and most underestimated chance. As with all Geegeez Gold data, what should take hours to study can be completed in just minutes.


3. Customised Racecards Are Better Racecards


All racecards are the same with basic info and the you click through to basic form for each runner right? Wrong!

The standard racecard view on Geegeez Gold not only comes with RPR (Racing Post Ratings), TS (Topspeed Ratings), SR (Peter May SR ratings), but also several data dropdowns for each runner including customisable options.

At the click of a button you can view Recent Form, Jockey Form, Trainer Form, Head to Head records, Breeding/Sales Data, plus your own comments, ratings and previous bets on the horse if using the Bet Tracker tool.

On top of this there are also customisable Report Angles and Query Tool Angles. Report Angles are data based angles, determined by the user’s favoured criteria, using any figures from over 20 reports that are available as part of Geegeez Gold.

The Query Tool Angles cover an even broader data set and are even more customisable based on any user requirements. Any angles based on any combination of trainer, jockey, course, race type, field size, race code, class, distance, sire, and many more factors can be added to the racecards and highlighted when applicable. For example, profitable sires to follow in heavy ground at 3m+ can be highlighted whenever they have runners.

When visiting any of the horse form pages there is also a mass of information and data at your fingertips.

Any runners’ form can be analysed from this page to a great depth and performance across all prevalent conditions, either individually or collectively, can easily be compared.

Note that all of these filters and all of this data is also available for jockeys, trainers, sires and dams. This makes it extremely easy to compare jockey record for the trainer, trainer record after a break of 60+ days, sire record at today’s course and so much more instantly and simply.


Easily configure your racecards to highlight your favoured information, data and angles without the need to click to other pages.


4. Find The Runners Most Suited To Conditions In An Instant


One of the most popular racecard components on Geegeez Gold is Instant Expert.

Instant Expert provides an easy to consume coloured readout about performance for all runners across all race criteria.

As with all data elements included in Geegeez Gold, Instant Expert is highly customisable based on the user’s requirements. This includes showing win or place data, how many years of data is included, whether to include all races or just handicaps and what races codes to include also. Naturally the result band for each criteria can also be expanded to include more going types, different class ranges, similar distances other field sizes.

This information is not only available for all the runners in every race, the performance of jockey, trainer and sire can also be compared across each criteria. This narrows down the guesswork even further when form is sparse and goes one step closer to giving you the complete picture on every race.


Easily compare runners/sires/trainers/jockeys across race conditions and find those most suited to the prevailing race conditions.


5. Check In Daily With A Huge Range Of Reports


Researching and finding profitable angles to follow based on a huge number of race conditions and factors can take many hours, every day.

Geegeez Gold comes with over 20 reports to make this process infinitely easier. Amongst those reports are the Hot Form report, the Head to Head report, Horse For Courses, the Class Move report, Fast Finishers, Trainer Jockey Stats, Trainer Jockey Combo Stats and the Trainer 2yo First Start report.

Every report is customisable based on several filters allowing users to find the exact qualifiers they want.

As with every area of Geegeez Gold, a huge breadth of interests and data are covered and the expectation is never that each user should be taking advantage of all these reports. The key is always that there are reports that will suit everyone’s needs and it is often the case that that users can heavily rely on some of these winner finding reports on a daily basis as they are an excellent indicator of future performance.

What is truly special about the reports on Geegeez Gold is that every bettor can use them differently, and find different selections and angles from the very same reports. All report data can be downloaded too allowing flexibility in research.


Choose the selection of reports that suit your needs, helping you find lists of qualifying runners on a daily basis. This data can also be added to your racecards as an extra time-saving measure.


6. Dig Deeper Into The Past To Find Future Angles To Profit From


Looking back at what has happened in the past to predict future performance is a huge part of being successful in horse racing. One such tool that allows huge flexibility is the Query Tool.

The combinations of data that can be searched and examined from our database are almost infinite helping create profitable systems however simple or complexed. Desired angles that are found can be added as ‘Query Tool Angles’ that are highlighted on all racecards where applicable and also accessed through the Reports page.

Geegeez Gold tends to appeal to the more analytical bettor and the Query Tool is a truly fantastic opportunity for those who love to delve into data – either to find excellent opportunities or simply because they love to research the sport they love!


Whether it's for fun or for betting purposes, combinations of data from a wide range of criteria can be cross referenced, researched and exported for examination. Any profitable angles that are found can be added to your racecards as Query Tool Angles.


7. Improve Your Success Rate By Easily Analysing Previous Bets


Included in the Geegeez Gold tool kit is an invaluable tool known as the Bet Tracker. By entering the bets you place to the Bet Tracker you can analyse the most and least profitable areas of your betting.

What this looks like in reality is perhaps someone can be very profitable when betting in handicaps and unprofitable in non handicaps, or perhaps you are much stronger in better class races than lower class contests.

Betting history can be filtered across almost any criteria in order to highlight what kind of bets require bigger stakes, which require smaller stakes and which should be stopped altogether. This should result in more winners, less losers and more profit. And who doesn’t want to make even more profit?

This sort of software can often cost over £100 as a standalone product but is included as standard in a Geegeez Gold subscription.


Analyse your betting history to find the most and least profitable angles you are using.