Geegeez Gold: Introducing Bet Tracker and New Ratings

In today's video post, I'm delighted to share with you TWO brand new features we've added to Geegeez Gold. Like everything else in your Gold subscription, both are designed to assist you in making your betting more fun and more profitable; and, also like everything else in Gold, we've tried to make them as configurable and user-friendly as possible.

So, what are these new features?

Bet Tracker

The Bet Tracker has been in development for a little while now and I'm really excited to share a 'beta' version within the live Gold service. Beta means there might be a few bugs we've missed and, with your help, we'll get those ironed out as soon as possible. Having said that, for a major new feature, I think - at least I really hope - it's in pretty good shape.

So what is Bet Tracker? It's an unobtrusive means of recording your daily betting activity and subsequently monitoring your performance. As the video below demonstrates, you'll be able to drill down into your overall racing betting to see where you're most effective and, just as importantly, where you're losing more than perhaps you ought to be. You can review your history by course, distance, field size, trainer, jockey, race code, handicap or not, race class and more besides.

Your first 30 days for just £1

Bet Tracker can be accessed from the Tools menu, or by clicking this link.

More details are available in the User Guide, downloadable from your My Geegeez page.

Watch this shortish video to discover more about our brand new feature, Bet Tracker:


Bet tracker software is selling for £100 a year - that was the first result I saw in a google search - but you get it bundled with your Gold subscription. And this is just Phase 1. In future, we plan to add Betfair SP functionality as well as more analysis variables and output options. For now, though, I hope you like the Geegeez Gold Bet Tracker.



Two New Ratings

Establishing how good a horse is can be a most subjective matter. Collateral form and official ratings help, of course, as on Geegeez Gold do Peter May's SR figures. To those, I'm pleased to be able to share with you two further sets of ratings, provided by Racing Post. They are Racing Post Ratings and Topspeed ratings.

Both of these sets of numbers, as well as OR and SR, can be switched on or off to suit your personal preferences. The short video below reveals (and hides!) all.


Try Tix for Better Tote Returns

For those of you who like ratings, I hope this is something you'll find valuable as part of your Gold subscription.



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Try Tix for Better Tote Returns

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40 replies
  1. lawrence frampton
    lawrence frampton says:

    Superb Matt, both excellent features. That makes the RP site for me defunct. Just out of interest, the RP ratings in the form line are adjusted to the weight the horse was carrying on the day. The pdf form -profiles for instance on the RP site, adjusts RPR’s to today’s weight-is there any quick process you know to adjust to today to assess well handicapped today? Thanks Matt for forever pushing Geegeez to new levels

    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      Hi Lawrence

      Glad you like the new additions.

      I don’t really understand the question however. Can you give me a worked example, please?


      • lawrence frampton
        lawrence frampton says:

        Hi Matt,
        It’s probably more a question for the RP.
        Basically, the RPR’s you are showing are taken from the horse’s individual record.
        So let’s take Van Gerwen in the 5.30 at Wolverhampton. If you isolate his runs at Wolves the best RPR achieved is 82. That figure however only relates to the weight he carried that day and not to today’s weight. In this instance he was on an OR of 77. Today he runs off OR64. If you look at profiles in the RP pro card section then Van Gerwen is quoted as having a best RPR of 100 at Wolves. The disparity is because they have adjusted the RPR to today’s weight. This latter figure is relevant for handicapping as it tells you RPR relevant to today’s weight to see who is well in.
        My question was whether you knew the scale used to move the RPR to today’s weight ie the 82 in form line to 100 when accounting for today’s conditions. As I said, it’s probably more a question for Steve Mason.

        Notwithstanding, it’s an excellent addition to the site and puts you miles ahead of the competition. All the best Lawrence

        • Matt Bisogno
          Matt Bisogno says:

          Thanks for the clarification, Lawrence. I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to your question, though I think the RPR’s get calculated against a norm of 11-10 NH and 9-7 flat. That is, for every pound above or below those weights, a pound is deducted or added to RPR’s. Don’t quote me on it, though.


          • lawrence frampton
            lawrence frampton says:

            Thanks Matt

            Sorry to bog you down in RP minutiae, it was only if you knew offhand whilst licensing the RP numbers.
            Thanks for your input and particularly the work on the GeeGeez site, it’s rare you join a site and get better value for your money as an existing customer. Keep up the good work

  2. betman
    betman says:

    Great stuff, Matt! The obvious question now is: Will you be including the two new ratings in the Query Tool (preferably as ranked, as they are primarily relevant as relative to the competing horses within the race)?

    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      Thanks betman. The answer to your obvious question is obvious, too – yes!

      However, due to other work ongoing it probably won’t be for a couple of months. But before the middle of the year, I expect it will be there.


      • betman
        betman says:

        Lovely – I look forward to that! I fullly understand the work load in general on a site like this, so no rush. 😉

  3. Steve Walmsley
    Steve Walmsley says:

    More brilliant additions to an already Top Level service.

    The inclusion or RPR and Topspeed is genius.

    I cannot imagine how or why anyone interested in horse racing is not a subscriber.

  4. Dave Farmer
    Dave Farmer says:

    Geegeez keeps on getting better and better. Did you mention previously that an Instant Expert on trainers would be included in the future ?

    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      It’s there already, Dave. Just select the ‘Trainer’ option from the dropdown which is defaulted to ‘Horse’.


  5. Stuart
    Stuart says:

    Hi Matt
    Love the new upgrades – congratulations and well done!
    Have asked before but would it be possible to display the invaluable proximity form from the horse profile on the race card?
    Thanks in advance.

    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      Hi Stuart

      Thanks for the warm wishes.

      Re px form on cards inline, I’ll add it to the wishlist. Space constraints are my only concern. Technically, it’s not a huge issue.


    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      Hi John

      If you’re referring to tomorrow, a slight hiccup this evening which we hope to have sorted before hitting the hay.
      If you’re referring to today, they are definitely there and you might need to select the options in your My Geegeez Racecard Options area.

      (Suspect you’re referring to tomorrow, in which case apologies – we’ll have the whole thing running smoothly in a day or so)


  6. therams1962
    therams1962 says:

    Yes Wednesdays card .Both new features i will look forward to making full use off .The site that just keeps giving .Excellent work by all involved

    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      Hi John

      At the moment, the way to do that is by exporting to csv and sorting on the comments column. But we are considering some sort of ‘comment search’ sortation in phase 2. We’re a few months away from that at this stage, however, so the csv is the way to go just now.


  7. Chris Jones
    Chris Jones says:

    Hi, just playing around with the bet tracker and I noticed that if I go to past results and add a horse that works fine but if I then try going to another race the screen doesn’t update. e.g. I go to the results page for the 1st of March and select “full result” for the 20:00 at Newcastle which opens in a new window. I then get the race card, click on “Star Cracker” and add it into the bet tracker. If I then go back to the results page and select “full result” for the 19:30, no new window opens, it still shows the race card for the 20:00. The actual URL address will say it’s for the 19:30 result and if I refresh the screen it then shows the correct screen, i.e the 19:30.

    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      Hi Chris,

      Yes, that’s a known issue. If you close the tab with the result in, a new tab will open for the subsequent race results you want to look at. That’s obviously not ideal, but it is a workaround until we fix this.


  8. Chris Jones
    Chris Jones says:

    Will the bet tracker have a facility in the future to take into account when bookmakers are offering extra places on races (such as at the big meetings) or when sites like Bet365 decide to pay quarter odds on races with less than 16 runners as they sometimes do?

    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      Hi Chris,

      Yes! It’s been requested by another user already and we’ll aim to prioritise that as a new feature in the very near future.


    CTEANEY says:

    Is it possible to record multiple bets on the same horse in a race?

    Will there ever be functionality that I can import my spreadsheet into the Tracker?

    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      Hi Charles

      No option to include the same horse multiple times, and no plan to add that.. But you can add notes for each different reason. From there you could comment filter in Excel.

      Regarding importing from a spreadsheet, that might be possible in future. But the spreadsheet would have to align with the expected format of the Bet Tracker, which is not straightforward if you don’t have all of our columns in your spreadie. Again, we have to walk before we can run and there’s no immediate plan for this, though we did discuss it briefly (my developer was terrified!!)


  10. scdean
    scdean says:

    Great updates Matt.

    Just start to get to grips with Bet Tracker and have made a few errors which has resulted in a couple of bets appearing twice in the tracker. How do I go about deleting one of them when they have already been saved in the tracker.

    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      Hi Stephen,

      On the Bet Tracker, there’s a little edit icon on the right hand side of each entry in the BETS view. Click on that and you’ll see a red ‘x’ icon. That’s the delete row option.

      Hope that helps,

      • scdean
        scdean says:

        Sorry Matt – I’m probably being a bit thick here, but I’ve clicked on what I think is the edit button (the square with the pen – next to comments), but I’m not getting a red ‘x’ icon. I have managed to change a win bet to an each way bet using the edit button.

        • Matt Bisogno
          Matt Bisogno says:

          No problem Stephen. It could be a cache issue, in which case might provide the answer.

          Failing that, please use the contact details on site to send a screenshot of what you’re seeing (and, in this case, what you’re not seeing), and also let us know device type and browser name and we’ll look into it. We’ll get you back up and running asap.


  11. michaelcft
    michaelcft says:

    As someone on your 1 month trial, both these updates give fresh reason for continuing. The bet tracker works brilliantly and will help discipline my punting. I am at the moment determined to keep it up and I hope I will – it helps to be in good form at the moment so a pleasure to input and read but the test will come during the dark runs we all suffer. I joined just before Cheltenham and had my best fesstival for a number of years and since then things have kept positive. There is such a wealth of information it can be a little daunting to begin with but I’m now getting to grips with it so well done on an incredible reseource for punters.

  12. ShaunGannon87
    ShaunGannon87 says:

    Superb couple of updates Matt. Just a query about the EW part on the tracker. What about 1/4, 1/5 odds and what about enhanced places? Thank you.

    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      Because they’d run to hundreds of pages, Bill, with all the information we cram behind the icons, and in Full Form, and Instant Expert and Pace/Draw tabs.


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