New Geegeez Features, November 2024

My 2024 Betting P&L

Every January since forever I have totted up my betting account deposits and withdrawals for the previous year to work out where I stand. For the last few I've done that publicly on here, though not last year - I've put that right below. [Shock, horror, it was a *losing* year - the full grizzly detail is in the second video ]

2024's tale of the tape is in this first video. To be honest, it's unimpressive in pure monetary terms - these videos almost always are - but that's not the point, as I am at pains to express.

When watching, keep in mind that stake size is personal: you might wager much more or much less, it absolutely doesn't matter.

And, as ever, I plead for leniency with regards to my cafe culture addiction which gets horribly exposed in these little moving picture skits. [As a side note, working from home means the daily trip to an egg and coffee house is a chance for a small bit of social interation as well as chowing down on the main food groups. Those who WFH often will understand: I've done it for more than a decade and it does take a toll].

Your first 30 days for just £1

OK, to 2024...


And here's 2023, gasp, a loser!


For the record, here are 2022, 2021 and 2020 (a very good year).

As I say, this is all done in the spirit of 'walking the talk' and with the notion that enjoying the ride is far, far more important than getting paid for enjoying the ride... but that those two, joy and pennies, are not mutually exclusive!

The best of luck with your 2025 wagering. I hope and believe that Geegeez Gold (and Lite) will help you have more fun and get closer to your betting goals. Here's the link if you're not currently a member.


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11 replies
  1. Monsieurbernie
    Monsieurbernie says:

    that time of year again!

    been recording my p/l for 7 years now, 2024 was my first losing year £277…

    past year has been very different for me though, i was renovating a house to move into, also i lost my mother in july so its been tough and just not had the time or dedication for the punting like i used too.

    will see what 2025 brings but have a feeling the good days are long gone, only have two decent accounts left and not really the bank roll i used to have

    good luck

    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      Hi Bernie

      Very sorry to hear about your mum, tough times.

      If you’re struggling with accounts, Betfair and tote both have value angles; I think the days of relentless concessions are gone – and maybe in a minute bookies will start competing on price again.


  2. bigvern63
    bigvern63 says:

    We share a similar philosophy Matt, I view my punting as a hobby and if it costs me a round of drinks a week, I see that as good value and a lot better for my waistline!!

    Keep up the great work, love the site.

    All the best, Chris

  3. pfebrey
    pfebrey says:

    4.6% return on investment on your deposits Matt. Better than most banks!
    Enjoyable piece as always and completely agree with your sentiments about betting.
    Gives me a purpose every day.

    If your Octopus bill is £114 per month, how many bedrooms do you have? 🙂

    Good luck for 2025.


    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      Return on turnover would be a lot lower, Paul – last year at least!

      As for energy bills, of all the line items you could have picked out… there’s one on there from a mate paying for ski flights with the reference ‘Big Jugs Magazine’. Very surprised nobody picked up on that one!!


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